Content tagged with: publishing

Julian Assange, Spokesperson & Advisory Board Member, WikiLeaks

‘The Subtle Roar of Online Whistle-Blowing’ [2009]

Jakob Larsen, Supply Chain Manager, Lindhardt og Ringhof

‘Books Aren’t Dead – They’re Just Going Digital’ [2009]

Lotte Garbers, formand, Dansk Forfatterforening

‘Books Aren’t Dead – They’re Just Going Digital’ [2009]

Jørgen Balle Olesen, direktør,

‘Books Aren’t Dead – They’re Just Going Digital’ [2009]


Danish media circus: Ex-commando writes book, newspaper prints it in full, Danish defence calls publishing house to court

15 years ago

Tapscott #ftth: @nytimes should become an NGO and get funded by donations. Huge costs of print publishing takes air out of traditional press

16 years ago