John Thackara


John Thackara designer events, projekter og organisationer. Han er leder af Doors of Perception, som er et netværk af designere, kunstnere og opfindere, der arbejder sammen om fremtidens design ud fra spørgsmål som: "Vi ved, hvad ny teknologi kan, men hvad skal vi bruge den til?" og "Hvordan ønsker vi at leve?" Netværket har kontorer i Amsterdam og Bangalore og blev grundlagt i 1993. John Thackara er uddannet journalist og har bl.a. arbejdet som redaktør, været rådgiver for EU-Kommisionen og ledet Hollands designinstitut.

More on John Thackara

  • John Thackara's Business Website
  • About the session

    Designing New Media

    Join John Thackara’s interactive session and get inspired by the man who helps governments and cities understand and develop user-centred design.

    SPEAKER: John Thackara (UK), writer
    MODERATOR: Tim Frank Andersen (DK), Where2Go

    John Thackara has written the books ‘Doors of Perception’ and ‘In the Bubble’, which came out in April 2005. If you do not already, Thackara will teach you to hate products that do not take people’s needs as their starting point in stead of the countless possibilities offered by technology. And he will give his views on what happens to the design process as we move from broadcast media to interactive media.

    Twitter search for: John Thackara