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    Ronni Tino Pedersen
    September 4, 2008

    With the surge of social media sites and applications, brands are continually being discussed and evaluated at the will of the users. If you’re not alert to these conversations your business could miss great opportunities or suffer serious damage without you even knowing it. HowSociable is a free tool that measures the presence of a given brand or keyword across 16 social websites.

    Say you’re a political party and you want to know who, where and what people are saying about you. Go to HowSocial, input the name of you party and click “Measure Visibility.” Within seconds you get a list showing how you score on sites such as facebook, flickr, YouTube and Twitter. A score of zero means that no one are talking about you (my mom.) A score of 6767 means that everybody’s talking about you (Google.)

    John McCain: 1008. Barack Obama: 1257. Denmark: 1702.

    Easily understandable measurements like these are nice, but they don’t tell you what people are saying about the particular brand. Luckily HowSociable also provides a “View results”-feature that transports you directly to the websites to study the actual occurrences of your measured keyword. If they’re talking dirty about your brand, you may still be in time to engage in the conversation and avert danger.

    More than 8000 brands have already been measured since HowSociable’s introduction 3 months ago. That’s pretty good traffic and according to the creators they are planning to release a new version soon. Just yesterday they added a screencast showing the basic concept of HowSociable. Give it 2 minutes of your viewing time and lessen the amount of web 2.0 damage to your brand.

    Also check out:
    TwitterSearch: Find out what people are talking about on Twitter.

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