Author Archives: Ronni Tino Pedersen

Uploaded a Flickr Set: Pictures from Day 1 of #NewMediaDays


Moeed Ahmad of Al Jazeera enters stage at #NewMediaDays. He’s @moeed and will be taking Twitter questions.


@MikeSheridanDK delivering a proper set of beats’n’bleeps, post awards show. #newmediadays


@endlessCities Nope sorry. No room left. I’m removing the text from the site right now. Default fail.


RT @FerroGate: #newmediadays @spotify says: we hope to be availabe in Denmark before end of 2009. Yes!


#newmediadays Award 09 goes to @spotify for realizing the potential of the Internet with a convincing music sharing service.


Honorary New Media Days Award 09 goes to @funzafunza for enthusiastically introducing new media tech to the Danish public. #newmediadays


@tveskov @mettestuhr @nikkisorensen You’re right, but we decided on #newmediadays because #nmd09 was used for a different event this summer.


@danquah @christianbuch You’ll find the New Media Days Google Wave here:


Nikolaj Sonne

‘Fem fordomme frem for panelet’ [2009]